[eBook] Everything You Need to Know About Choosing Picks

Knowledge is key! Entering the wonderful world of lock picking for the first time can feel like stepping into the great unknown, but we’ve got you covered.

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Knowledge is Key: Everything You Need to Know About Choosing Lock Picks

What This eBook is All About

So, do you want to learn how to pick a lock?

To outsiders looking into a lock picking set for the first time, it might look like just a bunch of pieces of metal. But a seasoned picker knows better. All of these different picks serve a purpose – and they work to help you improve your skill and add new techniques to your repertoire.

But which of these picks deserve to be in your initial line-up? Our complete guide gives you the low-down on the essential picks that every lock picking enthusiast need, as well as a few other must-haves that you can buy as you grow your set.

We also talk about other important details like handles, lock picking techniques, and other fun tips littered throughout the book to give you a holistic idea of lock picking to guide you towards the perfect set.

For Pickers of All Expertise Levels

Whether you’re a newbie hoping to pop your first lock or an experienced lock picker not quite sure how to build on the skills you already know, this eBook contains a lot of valuable information to help you understand what you need.

Not all lock picks are made equal, and not all pickers will enjoy or benefit from the use of certain picks! This eBook aims to provide you with the knowledge to help you understand what makes picks different, and how you can dial into a pick set with qualities that will satisfy your preferences.

Get Your Copy Now!

This complete, definitive eBook provides you with all the information you need to get started or to move further in your lock picking hobby. Oh, and it’s completely free. Download your copy now and discover everything you need to know in order to make the most of every penny you spend on your lock picking set.

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The advice contained in this ebook is general in nature only and you are advised to seek professional advice on your own particular circumstances.

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