Quick-Key Easy Pro

The new, improved Quick-Key Easy Pro Set from Multipick

The most precise and fastest key copy system in the world – now even more compact, lighter and cheaper.

$ 229.00


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Multipick Quick-Key Easy Pro

Multipick has succeeded in significantly improving some of the key features of the Quick-Key Easy. We have fulfilled your wishes by making the set lighter and more compact. It is even easier to store and the new packaging of the impression-making material make it even faster to use.

  • New precision mold
  • New practical packaging for the casting compound
  • Easier to handle
  • Reduced priceThanks to the new and handy plastic casting mold from MULTIPICK. Together with the exactly measured quantity of the required molding compound, it is now possible to mold all types of keys and produce duplicate keys in a matter of no time. Post-processing is unnecessary.The great advantage of the new system is the permanent and quick readiness for deployment and the possibility to transport the duplicated key safely and securely for a later key production and to keep it stored for a long time.The Quick-Key Easy Pro comes complete with all the required accessories* to produce at least 5 keys. All components can also be ordered individually.It’s an absolutely ingenious tool that you can start using immediately.
    *Due to shipping regulations, the sets are delivered without lighter fluid, but this is widely commercially available.

    Scope of Delivery

    Precision Mold for QKE Pro
    10 x 10 Grams of Dual-component Impressioning Material for 5 molds 100 Grams of Casting Metal made of Special Alloy
    1 Box made of plastic for casting metal
    1 Casting Ladle
    1 Mini Gas Torch (delivered without lighter fluid)
    1 Utility Knives
    1 Storage box for the QKE Pro
    1x Detailed manual

For best results, we generally recommend using the compound within 3 months from the date of manufacture.

The compound is packed in airtight bags and will not harden that easily, unless exposed to heat or kept open for some time. Storage environment also plays a role.


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