Sparrows Stretcher Under Door Tool
Well, you guessed it this tool works by fishing it under the door, specifically doors with lever handles.
That’s right, straight under the door!
By holding the handle and ring the tool is slid under the centre of the door and the manipulated so that it is vertical on the centre line of the door. The Stretch then falls on an angle to the lever handle- At the bottom of the door you are still in the center with the tool, it is the top that falls.
The top of the stretcher will now be above the Lever handle thin wire on one side black Stretch the other.
Pull that Ring the Stretch Bends at the top of the Stretch push down on the handle opening the door.
Very effective and fun tool
A high percentage of institutions are required by law to use lever handle due to mobility issues. Using under door tools make take some time to master, but is great fun and always a challenge.
No key no worries
Underdoor tools work great in locations where locks and keys are not found. For example digital or proximity card access internal doors.
Note: Due to the size of this item, Auspost shipping is not applicable to orders with Underdoor however we ship underdoors through Startrack.