Echo Wave Rakes

Law Lock Echo Wave Rakes

This brand new pair of Law Lock Echo Wave Rakes are based on Christina Palmer’s original Quint Cycloid and Quint Sinusoidal waves modeled by Christina and a group of PHDs using advanced Mathematica software to create an awesome tapered wave effect.

The handles are based on an idea Andy had some years ago and thought now is the time to show these off to the world. They have a unique appearance with a grip feature on the face resembling the echo of a radar pulse. Not just nice to look at but it provides a really positive grip. Also on both sides are small soft serrations to provide extra grip.
They also work really well with a slight rocking motion too and again pop locks open in seconds.
This Echo wave rakes are produced in an incredibly strong 0.635mm / 0.025” high yield 301 stainless steel with a yield strength of 2007Nmm2 or 291000PSI.

$ 49.00


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Law Lock Echo Wave Rakes

This brand new pair of Law Lock Echo Wave Rakes has been making waves on social media ever since posted. These profiles are based on Christina Palmer’s original Quint Cycloid and Quint Sinusoidal waves modeled by Christina and a group of PHDs using advanced Mathematica software to create an awesome tapered wave effect. Christina is an amazing individual with a real passion for lock sport and the advanced physics that went into designing these two incredible profiles.

The handles are based on an idea Andy had some years ago and thought now is the time to show these off to the world. They have a unique appearance with a grip feature on the face resembling the echo of a radar pulse. Not just nice to look at but it provides a really positive grip. Also on both sides are small soft serrations to provide extra grip.
Straight away in initial testing Andy had 1-2 second openings on several padlocks they really are that good. They also work really well with a slight rocking motion too and again pop locks open in seconds.
This Echo wave rakes are produced in an incredibly strong 0.635mm / 0.025” high yield 301 stainless steel with a yield strength of 2007Nmm2 or 291000PSI.

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